SportImpact Annual Report 2019
We published our Annual Report 2019: Building Foundations for scaling in Africa, summarizing activities last year and identifying key lessons and priorities for continuous improvement. It includes an analysis of our impact and our financials.
KEY LESSONS: Codification must arise from ground experiences and observations. Prioritize empowerment of youth on the ground instead of more advanced local organizations to stick to our “do-it” philosophy. We might benefit from prioritizing more solid and well-structured countries and organizations. Financial sustainability is key to ensure the stability of our activities and the serenity of our work. We must improve our human resources management processes to ensure optimal use of skills and resources.
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PRIORITIES: We will refocus on existing Sport for Life countries (Cabo Verde, Mozambique, Timor-Leste) to scale deeper, improve our business and models, and ensure a more autonomous and sustainable impact. Whenever appropriate, we will also launch new countries, in particulat through the Africa Office.