Press release – SportImpact event gathers hundreds of kids in Oekusse


Dili, Timor-Leste · Wednesday, 19 August 2015

To celebrate “Sport for Life”, SportImpact organized on Friday, August 14, a multi-sport event in the Football Field of Oekusse

-Kids using human hurdles -Crianças usam barreiras humanas

Kids using human hurdles

Hundreds of children and young people, and dozens of adults, experienced for free 15 different sports: athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, beach tennis, boxing, dance, checkers, football, gymnastics, spinning top, table tennis, taekwondo, volleyball and zumba.

In this event was achieved a big number of sports using adapted materials. The co-organizers were able to overcome the lack of required equipment by adapting local materials and recycling garbage, especially in badminton, baseball, beach tennis, football, spinning top, table tennis, volleyball, checkers and in five disciplines of athletics: jumps, hurdles, relays, sprints and throws.

Showing that goodwill, collaboration and determination make everything possible, the event was organized jointly with local organizations: Regional Youth Centre of Oekusse, local representatives of Timor-Leste National Youth Council, Association of Taekwondo and of Volleyball of Oekusse, Loromatan Ba Lian Center, SOLS English Center and several Physical Education teachers from the school Santo António Maria of Oekusse.

SportImpact also organized a four-day workshop at the Oekusse Youth Center on “Guide for Organizing Sport Events”, where 23 local representatives of Regional Youth Centre of Oekusse, Timor-Leste National Youth Council, Association of Taekwondo and of Volleyball of Oekusse, among others, took part. Participants co-organized the event last Friday, practicing what they learned in the workshop, and are already planning how to organize their own events in the future.

According to SportImpact, the budget available for this project is very limited. SportImpact thanks in particular the support from AICEP Portugal Global – Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, through an intern, and the One World Play Project, who offered ‘indestructible’ footballs through ChildFund. For this event SportImpact appreciates the support from all co-organizers and volunteers.

In 2016 SportImpact has envisioned replicating the “Sport for Life” initiative at sub-municipality level around Timor-Leste and is actively looking for partners and financial support that can make this viable.

 About the event “Sport For Life”

The “Sport for Life” event is co-organized by SportImpact with as many local groups and organizations as possible, to offer to kids, the youth and the public in general the opportunity to try a variety of sports in one place (typically a local major football field or stadium if available). We invite all the schools in the region to bring their kids. The objective is to show that a large infrastructure is not necessary to implement these events and to encourage local groups and associations to organize similar initiatives in the future.

These events also include health and education components (so far on non-smoking and no littering). Sportimpact is looking for partners who can see the events as a good channel and may want to enrich them with their own contents.

In the coming months, SportImpact will take this project to four other municipalities:

  • Lospalos: workshop 24-28/Aug, sport event on 29/Aug
  • Maliana: workshop 07-10/Sep, sport event on 11/Sep
  • Baucau: workshop 15-18/Sep, sport event on 19/Sep
  • Aileu: workshop 28/Sep-02/Oct, sport event on 03/Oct

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About SportImpact

SportImpact is a social business with the mission to promote human development through sport. Our founders are experts in sport management, social entrepreneurship and conflict management, with a diversity of international experiences developing sport in countries such as Timor-Leste, Afghanistan, Brazil, Portugal and Singapore.

For more information:  |

Contacts:, Tel. (+670) 7801 4000


-Kids playing checkers -Crianças jogam damas

Kids playing checkers

-Kids learning relays -Crianças aprendem estafetas

Kids learning relays

-Kids perform spontaneous breakdance show -Crianças efectuam demonstração espontânea de breakdance

Kids performing spontaneous breakdance show

-Kids learn baseball for the first time -Crianças aprendem basebol pela primeira vez

Kids learning baseball for the first time

-Kids playing basketball -Crianças jogam basquetbol

Kids playing basketball

-Kids trying taekwondo -Crianças experimentam taekwondo

Kids trying taekwondo

-Animation at gymnastics -Animação na ginástica

Animation at gymnastics

-Adapted spinning top made by the co-organizers -Peão adaptado feito pelos co-organizadores

Adapted spinning top made by the co-organizers

Kids learning the right position for the sprint -Crianças aprendem a posição correta para corrida

Kids learning the right position for the sprint

-Kids trying boxe after learning its values -Crianças experimentam boxe depois de aprenderem sobre os seus valores

Kids trying boxe after learning its values

-Adapted table tennis -Ténis de mesa adaptado

Adapted racquets and net of table tennis

-Adapted badminton -Badminton adaptado

Adapted badminton

-Football with bamboo goals -Futebol com balizas de bambu

Football with bamboo goals

-Discus throw -Lançamento do disco

Discus throw

-Delivery of certificates to workshop participants -Entrega de certificados aos participantes do curso

Delivery of certificates to workshop participants