SportImpact takes part in Peace Day celebration

Today, 21st of September, SportImpact took part in the International Day of Peace celebrations, in Dili, Timor-Leste, brilliantly organized by Timor-Leste Youth for Peace* - well done! The event included impressive performances with songs, drama, poetry, BMX freeriding, street dancing, capoeira, guest speakers... Hundreds of Timorese youth gathered to celebrate Peace with super positive energies that will contribute to making every day Peace Day. We hope and trust that inspired and motivated youth, determined to create a world of peace and justice, can and will build a better Timor-Leste and a better world. When ranked…Read more

A Chat with the SportImpact team – Dircia Pimentel

“A Chat with the SportImpact team” features a series of interviews with the team at SportImpact. These interviews will cover their opinions on the progress of the company, personal motivations and expectations going forward. Say 'Hi' to Dircia Pimentel from Timor-Leste, SportImpact’s Administration & Finance Manager.  Dircia Pimentel Brief Introduction Dircia is also the Secretary of Administration and Finance at the East Timor Cycling Federation (ETCF). At ETCF she has been part of an important success story in Timor-Leste sports, helping cycling reach a whole new level, with regular national competitions across the…Read more

Press release – Sport Leaders Discuss the Future of Sport in Timor-Leste

PRESS RELEASE Dili, Timor-Leste · Tersa, 9 Setembru 2014 Lider Desportu sira Diskuti Futuru ba Desportu iha Timor-Leste    Sekretaria Estadu ba Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) husi Timor-Leste organiza ohin enkontru ho lider desportu nasional hotu ba SportImpact nia aprezentasaun Avaliasaun Desportu iha Timor-Leste no diskusaun kona ba prioridade ba futuru desportu nian iha rai laran. SportImpact nia avaliasaun bazeia husi intervista no dadus husi maioria organizasaun desportu nian iha Timor-Leste durante fulan hitu kotuk (bele hetan relatoriu iha ne’e). Nudar rezumu: Situasaun atual – Organizasaun desportu barak seidauk iha prosedimentu formal basiku (ezemplu,…Read more

Assessment of Sport in Timor-Leste

Here is SportImpact's Assessment of Sport in Timor-Leste (in Tetum), based on interviews and data collection with most sport organizations in the country. We presented a summary today to key sport stakeholders in Timor-Leste, in a meeting kindly and thoughtfully convened by the Secretary of State of Youth and Sport. Though now days you are provided a wide varieties of drug options but the studies have revealed that 2800 mg of Arginine daily could improve erectile function in impotent men. discounts on levitra Therefore men tend to Buy tadalafil 20mg price Online to…Read more

A Chat with the SportImpact team – Nuno Delicado

“A Chat with the SportImpact team” features a series of interviews with the team at SportImpact. These interviews cover their opinions on the progress of the company, personal motivations and expectations going forward. We hear from Nuno Delicado from Portugal, who has been in Timor-Leste over several periods since 2003, and is back since mid-2013 for the launch of the SportImpact project here. Nuno Delicado Brief introduction  Nuno focuses on management consulting, social entrepreneurship and business model innovation. He also leads the Social & Public Sector practice at Pluris, a negotiation and conflict resolution consulting firm, and…Read more

Reflections on my 2-month summer internship with SportImpact in Timor-Leste

Hello! I am Clarissa, and I recently completed my 2-month summer internship with SportImpact in Timor-Leste. This entry serves as a reflection of my experiences and thoughts about work and life in general in Timor-Leste. As a first year liberal arts student, I yearned for a challenging experience in a completely foreign culture, to immerse myself in a world very different from Singapore and to better understand the social sector. The unique concept of sport for human development piqued my interest and I jumped on board to understand the extent of impact this…Read more

Press Release – Basketball Coaches Course in Dili, August 11 to 22nd

PRESS RELEASE Dili, Timor-Leste · Sabadu, 9 Agostu 2014  Kursu ba Treinador Basketebol iha Dili husi Agostu 11 to’o 22 Federasaun Nasional Basketebol Timor-Leste organiza Kursu Treinador Basketebol husi Agostu 11 to’o 22, iha Dili, hodi dezenvolve no aumenta kualidade basketebol nian iha Timor-Leste. Kursu ne’e organiza iha Akademia Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste, iha Komoro, Dili. Kursu simu apoiu husi Solidariedade Olimpiku no husi Federasaun Internasional Basketebol, ne’ebe haruka ona José Monteiro, treinador no formador ho experiensia loos husi Portugal, hanesan mestri. Participante sira hanesan treinador, arbitu no atleta basketebol nian, mestri no estudante Edukasaun…Read more

Team SportImpact

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A Chat with the SportImpact team – Jaume Massons

"A Chat with the SportImpact team" will feature a series of interviews with the team at SportImpact. These interviews will cover their opinions on the progress of the company, personal motivations and expectations going forward. First up is Jaume Massons from Spain, who has been in Timor-Leste for the past 7 months since the launch of the project. Jaume Massons Brief Introduction: Jaume focuses on Sports Marketing, Event and Project Management and Digital & Mobile marketing.  He was previously a marketing consultant and project manager in a marketing consultancy, an assessor for the Minister of…Read more

Press Release – Timor-Leste Sport Federations Explore International Support Opportunities

English version below PRESS RELEASE Dili, Timor-Leste · Segunda-feira, 14 de Julho de 2014  Federações Desportivas de Timor-Leste Exploram Oportunidades de Apoio Internacional - Dircia Alves presenting on coaching grants offered by Olympic Solidarity. Representatives from the Athletics, Shooting, Boxing, Cycling, Taekwondo, Table Tennis, Tennis, Weightlifting, Karate, Kempo, Wushu, Judo federations and the Academic Sports federation attended the workshop.Ejaculation Trouble Another most common trouble is ejaculation dysfunction, and most effects of levitra professional common type of this is premature ejaculation.It is hinted by ejaculation within first 2 minutes of the start of sexual intercourse. These…Read more

SportImpact launches Facebook page

SportImpact is pleased to announce the launch of our new facebook page! You may access it here and 'friend' SportImpact here. So it is genetic or inherited diseases can also prevent you from achieving an erection for overnight shipping cialis intercourse. You have to just log cheap no prescription cialis discover for more in to the site and apply for Kamagra. Some of those can be so severe they online viagra india almost leave the person dysfunctional. Amongst cheap levitra all the disorders the one which makes the blood flow properly. Updates on…Read more

Press Release – SportImpact screens “Who Cares?” in celebration of Social Business Day

Versão em português abaixo English version below  PRESS RELEASE Dili, Timor-Leste, Segunda, 30 July 2014 Sportimpact Screens “Who Cares?” Iha selebrasaun ba loron Bisnis Sosial nian. Iha selebrasaun husi loron Bisnis Sosial nian ba loron 28 Junho, Sportimpact organiza filme “Who Cares?” konaba Topiku Mudansa Sosial. Sinema ne’e loke ba publiku no hetan de’it audiensia total ema nain ha’at nulu inklui funsionariu ne’ebe mak servisu iha organizasaun iha sektor sosial, ezemplu UNDP Social Business Project, Tuba Rai Metin, Empreza Di’ak, no Sekretaria Estadu ba Desportu no Juventude, no organizasaun seluk husi governu, ONG, no grupu juventude hanesan“Timor-Leste…Read more

SportImpact at Campeonato Nacional da Juventude de Atletismo 2014

The Campeonato Nacional da Juventude de Atletismo 2014, a Youth Athletics competition was held in Dili, Timor-Leste between 26 and 27 June. The opening ceremony was attended by athletes from 12 districts in Timor-Leste with the exception of Baucau. More than 1270 primary school children came down to lend their voices in support of the opening ceremony. The two-day competition hosted both boys and girls between 13 to 16 years old. The competition categories included: • 200m • 400m • 800m • 1000m • 1500m • 3000m • Shot put • Javelin  …Read more
SportImpact attends Taça BMX

SportImpact attends Taça BMX

Good day everyone! Timor-Leste has been bursting with national sport championships this past month, and the bustle is expected to stretch over the month of July. Last Sunday, the SportImpact team went down to support the Taça BMX, a cycling competition for youths held in Taibessi, Dili, that saw the participation of 108 youth athletes. Participants hailed from both the boys and girls categories, and family, friends and some Taibessi residents formed a substantial crowd of supporters! Flagging off the competition is Mr Angelo Henriques, President of the Timor- Leste Cycling Federation And…Read more