A Chat with the SportImpact team – Jaume Massons
“A Chat with the SportImpact team” will feature a series of interviews with the team at SportImpact. These interviews will cover their opinions on the progress of the company, personal motivations and expectations going forward. First up is Jaume Massons from Spain, who has been in Timor-Leste for the past 7 months since the launch of the project.
Jaume Massons
Brief Introduction:
Jaume focuses on Sports Marketing, Event and Project Management and Digital & Mobile marketing. He was previously a marketing consultant and project manager in a marketing consultancy, an assessor for the Minister of Sports of Panama, and worked in sport venue management for several sports clubs in Catalonia. He took part in the World Swimming Championships Organizing Committee in 2003.
Jaume earned an Executive Master in Sport Organizations Management (MEMOS) from Université Claude Bernard, a Master in Sport Organizations Management from Universitat Ramón Llull, and a Master in Sports Events & Sponsorship Managementfrom Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
How has SportImpact grown over the past 6-7 months?
SportImpact has developed into a consultancy project in Timor-Leste that engages sport leaders, 20 sport federations, and different stakeholders. This ambitious project incorporates local stakeholders, the history of this young nation, and different working styles in its day-to-day work.
What was expected and unexpected about SportImpact’s work so far?
We didn’t expect the amount of reluctance towards change or external help and to struggle with politics, especially the power of a few people to influence the entire sport system. We expected to work with a low level of education and to work hard transferring our knowledge on event and general management to the sport federations. We foresaw the lack of resources and accountability for them as well as the slower pace of things here compared to Europe.
Now that SportImpact is more integrated in the country and aware of how things function, we can better develop a formula that fuses our ideas with local ideas and resources. We are also identifying local talent willing to change, improve and grow.
What has been the most rewarding part of the work thus far?
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How do you see SportImpact in the next 5 months and beyond?
In the next 5 months, SportImpact will gain greater recognition and a stronger network and will be seen as a catalyst of change. Some people will appreciate our impact (coaching, mentoring services offered) and recognize the positive effect of our energy and will to continue helping amidst obstacles. Perhaps like my partner, Nuno mentioned, we might be planting seeds that will grow in the following years. Like the butterfly effect, every little effort will create a change.
The longer term is more difficult to forecast. We started with the biggest client in the sport system, the International Olympic Commitee. The company works because of this financial backing, which we need alongside receivers of our service. We are unsure of the support in the long run.
I also anticipate challenges identifying potential markets, building a team to respond to these new needs, and finding the right time to leave one country for the next. The initial idea of a 12- 15 months stay followed by leaving a local team to continue the business might change from country to country.
What motivates you to work in SportImpact in Timor-Leste?
I am motivated seeing things being done upon my suggestion. Apart from making a living, it is doubly rewarding when I do so in an area where my services are needed and when the impact of your job is maximized (for example, when there are a lack of resources or this is a remote country where qualified people are unwilling to come due to the conditions.) I enjoy the challenge of understanding other cultures and languages and it makes me feel alive getting out of my comfort zone.
Final comments?
I think that designing new projects in new places is hard but also makes our careers more outstanding. I would say that everyone should in their lifetime accept or try to perform such projects. Staying in your own country, culture or a typical company is a safe environment. You may know how to deal with problems in that environment but will be less skillful in adapting to problems in another environment.
What SportImpact has done for locals and foreigners partaking in the project is a holistic experience. The professional sector values individuals who can juggle language challenges with time management, resource management and inter personal skills. You are continually engaging and being engaged. Projects like SportImpact’s are interactive compared to a typical job where you have specific duties to follow. Here, home is 12,000 km away, everything is new and different and this is the real challenge.
Stay tuned for more interviews to come!